
Showing posts from April, 2017


Image As a former student, I always loved using whiteboards in the classroom. It was simple and easy to use but it always took a lot of time to get started and put them away because every student had to get one and make sure the marker they got was working. If it wasn't working then there was a lot of switching around to find the perfect dry erase marker. This idea for a whiteboard will make things much easier, by using a pack of page protectors and then find a colored piece of paper to put inside  so the writing would be legible. The page protectors are a lot cheaper than buying many whiteboards and it is something that they can keep with them in the binders. Whenever there is a time to start using the whiteboards all the students just have to pull out their binder, folder or wherever they have it and getting a dry erase marker could easily be part of the school supplies list at the beginning of the year so they already have ...

Substitute Teachers

   There may have been times where you go into a classroom to sub and you had no idea what you were doing. If you hated being left in the dark there are ways to keep that from happening for the future Teachers that will be subbing for your classroom. One option is to make a binder that has all the essentials the sub will need for that day. You could put the class schedule, school contact info, classroom info maybe telling how things work and the specific processes and rules for your classroom. After all the assignments and worksheets that would also go in the binder you can put a little survey at the end that allows the substitute to let you know how it went - what went wrong, what went right, what got done and what didn't get done.  Another option is get one of those desk organizers of your choice and have something different in each slot. You might not mind the sub looking around for a pen or whatever they might need but they might not always find what...

Holy Moly, Guacamole!

Image Keeping your students managed is also a part of classroom organization. Sometimes teachers are just shushing the class and students can get pretty immune to that. Let's face it, we all got pretty annoyed when all teachers would do is shush us all day long. These are some attention grabbers that can be used instead of shushing that would work well for the students and they would actually have fun saying them because they are not the usual things you hear in the classroom. Keeping the students respectful and being able to keep control of your classroom at all times is important. I think these would work very well in elementary grades but could also probably be used in some of the older grades as well. 


Image If your students miss a day of school they tend to come up to you and ask you for their work and expect it right away. Or sometimes they don't even take responsibility for the work they missed and then wonder why they have failing grades. Here is one simple thing to do and then the responsibility is completely put on the students to make sure that they turn in the work for the day that they missed. One option is to have folders for each day of the week and then put the assignments and worksheets for students that have missed a specific day, then when they come back they just go to the folders, find the day they missed and their work is already there ready for them to take. Another option is to make folders with all the dates and put the work in those folders. It's the same process,when the students come back they go to the folders, find the dates that they missed and then they just take their work.